A. The Bible
We believe that the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God, and is entirely trustworthy and that its message conveys the true knowledge of God. Proper interpretation must take into account the sacred writer’s intentions, use of language, style and context. The Bible is the true center of Christian fellowship. The criterion by which the Bible is to be interpreted is prayerful dependence upon God’s Holy Spirit.
B. The Creator and Creation
We believe that God alone is Creator and that human beings have been formed in the image of their Creator.
C. The Trinity
We believe that there is only one true and living God, eternally existent in three distinct persons: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
D. The Deity of Christ
We believe in the deity of Jesus Christ. We believe in the incarnation of Christ; in His virgin birth; that His miracles literally took place; that He lived a sinless life; that he is the only mediator between God and human beings; that He is the believer’s high priest and intercessor; and that He alone is Savior and Lord.
E. The Substitutionary Death and Blood Atonement
We believe in the substitutionary death and blood atonement of Jesus Christ to pay for the full penalty of sin and that the sacrifice of Christ was once for all time.
F. Bodily Resurrection
We believe in the bodily resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.
G. The Universality of Sin
We believe in the universality of sin and that all people have sinned and are in need of salvation.
H. The journey of faith
We believe that every believer is on a journey of faith and that journey is to honored, celebrated, and acknowledged. Failure is a necessary part of that journey and the community of faith is to aid and support each believer on their individual journeys.
I. The Maintenance of Good Works
We believe that the maintenance of good works in the lives of believers is the result of salvation and not for salvation.
J. The Holy Spirit
We believe in the personality and deity of the Holy Spirit; that He baptizes all believers who seeks him out as a gift that God has promised to those that have become part of the Body of Christ. He will become a continual part of the believer by indwelling within the believers. We believe that the Holy Spirit calls men and women to the Savior; that He gives assurance to believers of their adoption into God’s family; that He alone sovereignly bestows spiritual gifts; that He empowers believers for service; that He guides, illumines and gives understanding to believers; and that He joins the believer in intercessory prayer.
K. The Assurance of Eternal Life
We believe that the assurance of eternal life is the present possession of every believer and is guaranteed; that this salvation is fully secure to those who are “in” Christ.
L. The Return of Jesus Christ
We believe in the imminent bodily return of Jesus Christ for his own.
M. The Future of All People
We believe in the resurrection of the saved and the lost.
N. The Devil and His Own
We believe in the reality and personality of Satan; the reality of a host of unseen spirit beings in subjection and allegiance to him; that believers are to actively resist the devil and his host.
O. The Church
We believe that Jesus Christ alone is the head of the Church; that the Church is built upon Christ; that local churches are companies of born-again believers who have joined themselves together in common shared biblical faith, doctrine, fellowship, practices and purposes; that local churches are fully autonomous having called-out ministers to equip, instruct, preach, teach, edify and encourage; that the pulpit of the local church is to be kept free from all religious apostasy, unbelief and heresy; that thanksgiving, praise, worship and prayer are to focus on the triune God rather than on humanly devised structure, rituals, ceremony and forms. All believers should have breathing room to explore and to hear … for after all, God is still speaking
P. Believer’s Baptism
We believe that water baptism in the name of the triune God is an outward symbol that the individual truly belongs to God. We believe that water baptism is an ordinance given by our Lord to the Church. We further believe that total immersion in water is the mode of baptism practiced in the New Testament, hence is the proper mode to be practiced by the Church.
Q. Communion
We believe that communion is the partaking of the bread and cup in accordance with our Lord’s command and we believe in observing communion regularly. We further believe that communion should be practiced by believers. Communion is open to all people who personally know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord.
R. The Great Commission
We believe that the Lord’s commission to the Church is to share the gospel in love; and make every effort to live the gospel message through our love.
S. The Priesthood of All Believers
We believe in the Priesthood of all Believers, and that all believers are called by God into body-life ministry within the local church. We believe that all of the baptized ‘belong body and soul to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.’ No matter who – no matter what – no matter where we are on life’s journey – notwithstanding race, gender identity or expression, sexual orientation, class or creed – we all belong to God and to one worldwide community of faith.
T. God’s Call to Holy Living
We believe that God’s call to every believer is to live a holy life by clothing oneself with Christ and crucifying the old nature. We believe that all believers are new creations in Christ; that believers are to subdue the old nature by taking positive actions which include being continually filled with the Holy Spirit and then walking in step with God’s Spirit; that living a holy life is a life of joy, fullness, peace and assurance. This is best experienced when we remain free of judgement and shaming.
U. Responsible Sexuality
We believe that Christians are called to live their sexuality in a responsible manner; that monogamy is the biblical principle and therefore precludes serial monogamy and promiscuous behavior; that lust in one’s life can be brought under control by the power and authority of God. (see RFUCC Stance on Sexual Morality)
V. Accountability and Scriptural Discipline
We believe that there is a need for Christian accountability applicable to individual believers as well as to church leadership. We further believe that all discipline is to be carried out in love and only in proper scriptural order with restoration as the ultimate goal.
W. Teaching
We believe that teaching is of utmost importance so that the people of God may be adequately equipped for the work of Christ, and that all teaching in this church must be Bible-based, Christ-centered and Person-enhancing.
X. Stewardship
We believe that Christian stewardship is an expression of praise and worship; that stewardship is vital for the growth of both the individual believer and the local church; that Christian stewardship goes beyond the Old Testament tithing (10%) principle in that Christians are to give of their time, talents, abilities and finances — cheerfully and willingly to God.
In alignment with the United Church of Christ; we further believe:
- We believe that each person is unique and valuable.
- We believe that each person is on a spiritual journey
- We believe that the persistent search for God produces an authentic relationship with God, engendering love, strengthening faith, dissolving guilt, and giving life purpose and direction.
- We believe the UCC is called to be a united and uniting church. “That they may all be one.” (John 17:21) “In essentials–unity, in nonessentials–diversity, in all things–charity,” These UCC mottos survive because they touch core values deep within us. The UCC has no rigid formulation of doctrine or attachment to creeds or structures. Its overarching creed is love.
- We believe that God calls us to be servants in the service of others and to be good stewards of the earth’s resources. ‘To believe is to care; to care is to do.‘
- We believe that the UCC is called to be a prophetic church. As in the tradition of the prophets and apostles, God calls the church to speak truth to power, liberate the oppressed, care for the poor and comfort the afflicted.
- We believe in the power of peace, and work for nonviolent solutions to local, national, and international problems.